This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Hair styling products company, ghd, want to encourage and remind you to check your breasts regularly with their new product range. Read on to learn more about it, The Urban Kitchen founder, Toral Shah’s experience of breast cancer at just 29 and how to perform a potentially life-saving monthly breast check on yourself.
Read MoreTune in to Aclass: Asian Voices, a free virtual podcast masterclass for Asians, tomorrow; Friday 25th September at 6pm.
Read MoreThere is a stark imbalance between the numbers of BAME people donating organs and those patients in need of a lifesaving transplant. Many who decline donating a relative’s organs say it is because they feel it is against their religious or cultural beliefs or because they do not know if it’s what the relative would have wanted. But a new law is looking to change this.
Read MoreThe aim is to ease tension and to promote love and stillness during this global pandemic.
Read MoreTo bring to the fore the contributions of India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh that helped seal Aliied victory and bring peace, here are 10 facts about south Asians in World War Two.
Read MoreAs part of the UK’s 2020 Budget announced Wednesday 11th March by the Chancellor Rishi Sunak, the tampon tax will be scrapped.
Read MoreIn a win for diverse representation, one of the UK’s largest supermarkets, Tesco, has launched plasters in shades ‘medium’ and ‘dark’ to accompany the ‘light’ colour plasters they have always sold.
Read More“Something that started decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect. What can you do?”
Read MoreFor south Asian women, as women of colour, the intersectionality of issues makes it a harder, murkier battle.
Read More…and she talks about racism.
Read MoreIt’s to be voiced by an all-star south Asian cast including Freida Pinto and Jameela Jamil.
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