There is a level of anti-black prejudice in the south Asian community, which means that relationships between these cultures may have to fight harder or may be less likely to happen in some circumstances. However, these relationships do happen even though the film industry at large would have us think differently.
Read MoreThe aim is to ease tension and to promote love and stillness during this global pandemic.
Read MoreWhen told that it sounds sexually confusing, she replies; “it is but this is just the wedding dance.”
Read MoreAt the end of National Vegetarian Week, we get advice on how you can continue to add more vegetarian meals into your diet from someone who went from meat lover to proud veggie.
Read MoreTo bring to the fore the contributions of India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh that helped seal Aliied victory and bring peace, here are 10 facts about south Asians in World War Two.
Read MoreThere are a number of small businesses owned by enterprising south Asians which sell fantastic products and do good either by making the products sustainably or by putting some of their profits towards worthwhile causes.
Read MoreAs part of the UK’s 2020 Budget announced Wednesday 11th March by the Chancellor Rishi Sunak, the tampon tax will be scrapped.
Read MoreIn a win for diverse representation, one of the UK’s largest supermarkets, Tesco, has launched plasters in shades ‘medium’ and ‘dark’ to accompany the ‘light’ colour plasters they have always sold.
Read MorePicking the right one enlivens south Asian skin and can bring warmth to the face.
Read MoreNew strict guidelines issued by the government yesterday mean that going to the gym and for exercise classes is not advisable. So instead, we look at different workouts you can do at home to stay fit and bolster your mental health.
Read More“Something that started decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect. What can you do?”
Read MoreFor south Asian women, as women of colour, the intersectionality of issues makes it a harder, murkier battle.
Read More…and she talks about racism.
Read MoreIt’s to be voiced by an all-star south Asian cast including Freida Pinto and Jameela Jamil.
Read MoreIt validates the south Asian women’s office experience.
Read MoreTo understand why this happened, it is imperative to first understand the unique place south Asians hold in British society.
Read MoreTo know how best to care for your hair, it is important to first learn about your hair on a follicular level.
Read MoreIn the lead up to the general election on December 12th, we will be detailing what each of the main political parties are promising to do for women. Next up, Plaid Cymru.
Read MoreIn the lead up to the general election on December 12th, we will be detailing what each of the main political parties are promising to do for women. Next up, the Brexit Party.
Read MoreIn the lead up to the general election on December 12th, we will be detailing what each of the main political parties are promising to do for women. Next up, the Green Party.
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