Exploring south Asian culture, heritage and history during the second lockdown

If you have some free time this lockdown, it could be a chance to learn more about and connect with your ancestral culture, heritage and history, and in doing so, learn more about your family and maybe even yourself. We share some ideas for cultural activities to do, to inspire you.

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and ghd wants to help make sure you check your breasts each month

This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Hair styling products company, ghd, want to encourage and remind you to check your breasts regularly with their new product range. Read on to learn more about it, The Urban Kitchen founder, Toral Shah’s experience of breast cancer at just 29 and how to perform a potentially life-saving monthly breast check on yourself.

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More Asian people are likely to be a living organ donor than a deceased donor but Asian patients still wait six months longer for a transplant

There is a stark imbalance between the numbers of BAME people donating organs and those patients in need of a lifesaving transplant. Many who decline donating a relative’s organs say it is because they feel it is against their religious or cultural beliefs or because they do not know if it’s what the relative would have wanted. But a new law is looking to change this.

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